Die Jahreszeiten-Uhr (englische Fassung)

the season clock

von Karlheinz Flau | 05.09.2022

The season clock is an attempt to capture the primordial trinity of the course of the year with its polarity of summer and winter - from outside and inside - and its state of vibration, its rhythmic center, from spring - from the inside out - autumn - from the outside inwards - as a breathing force working - and weaving to grasp and shape.

EAN 9783939240556

Hersteller: jürgensendesign

35,00 EUR *
Inhalt 1 St.
* inkl. ges. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten

Auf Lager - Lieferzeit 1-3 Werktage

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Print: €35
Two different formats mounted on plywood:
First format: 37cm x 37cm for hanging; €79
Second format 70cm x 70cm for hanging: €100.00.

The print is mounted on plywood and features two hands that move independently. The "wandering" pointer is intended to make the current status conscious in its relation to the whole. (In the case of the calendar page, at best, an excerpt appears).

The Season Clock 

The 52 weekly verses from Rudolf Steiner's Anthroposophical Soul Calendar are highlighted in color in a third ring with the colors of the four elements. These sayings are a work of art in themselves and can be viewed from a variety of perspectives. In this graphic, the 52 sayings are divided into groups of 13 in the big four, so that, beginning with Easter,which result in polar relationships, 1 to 52, 2 to 51, etc.

What else the watch can do and the so-called instructions for use can be read on the print.

As clearly shown in the title, this is a print to cut out a two hand clock. The original clock is intended to be cut out and glued to a solid background with the two hands provided, it can be used as a signpost through the course of the year.

At first glance we see: A center from which various circles emanate. The larger inner circle is divided into the lighter upper area and the dark lower area. In the center we see two lemniscates and rising to the left is the spring area, which transitions into summer on the right. The lower dark hatched part is the autumn and winter area.

The second circle to the outside: The third circle shows the signs of the zodiac and the fourth the weekly verses The fifth+sixth circle: The season clock is an attempt to understand the primordial trinity of the course of the year with its polarity of summer and winter - from outside and inside - and its state of vibration, its rhythmic center, from spring - from the inside out, Autumn - from the outside in - as a breathing force and to grasp and design weaving.

The "wandering" pointer is intended to make the current status conscious in its relation to the whole. At best, only an excerpt appears on the calendar sheet. After the outer edge with its inward and outward swinging forms follow the fields of the zodiac in the colors as they were for Rudolf Steiner indicated eurythmy. In addition, the color band shows the different lengths of the individual zodiac spheres. Virgo as the longest and Libra as the shortest field.
The great "world cross", which is oriented in the south-north direction, is intended for the most diverse Relationships indicate: Once on the day side as the revealed, the world of appearances and on the night side as the occult, the hidden world. Furthermore, on the relationships to the festivals and seasons and to the daily and life course of people.

The zodiac, divided into twelve equal parts, points to the effects of forces in their relationship to "primitive man", to "Adam Kadmon": Easter ascending beginning with Aries in the head and descending closing with Pisces in the feet. Aries - main, bull - larynx, twins - upper arm, cancer - breast, lion - heart, Virgo - solar plexus, scales - hip, scorpio gender, Sagittarius - Thigh, Capricorn - knee, Aquarius - lower leg, Pisces - Feet.

Something about the double lemniscate: Summer - the earth has breathed out completely, you pour out beings in the cosmic expanses. Winter - the earth has whole breathed in, rests in the inner being. High Summer Festival Johanni Deep Winterfest Christmas The small lemniscate is intended to indicate the equinox, on which connection between Easter and Michaelmas.

Easter: Death and Resurrection of Christ Michaelmas: resurrection of the human soul, then death, because “he who does not die before he dies perishes when he dies” (Angelus Silesius) In this way, Michaelmas becomes Easter in reverse. In the third ring, with a colored background, are the colors of the four elements, drawn in the 52 weekly verses from Rudolf Steiner's “Anthroposophical Soul Calendar”.

Erscheinungstermin: 07.09.2022
Poster, Wandkalender
Seiten: mit 1
by Karlheinz Flau Print,  €35 Two different formats mounted on plywood. format First format: 37cm x 37cm for hanging; €79 Second format 70cm x 70cm for hanging: €100.00. The print is mounted on plywood and features two hands that move independently. The "wandering" pointer is intended to make the current status conscious in its relation to the whole. (In the case of the calendar page, at best, an excerpt appears).
Format: 380 x 570
ISBN: 978-3-939240-55-6