Diagnosis and Therapy after Liane Collot d ́Herbois
Depression and Bornout, Pre-cancer and Cancer
von Chantal Bernard, Janny Mager |
In order to understand why we become ill, it is important to understand why and, above all, how we stay healthy.
EAN 9783943305692
Hersteller: SchneiderEditionen
36,00 EUR
1 St.
* inkl. ges. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
Lieferzeit 4-8 Werktage
To support us on this path, we draw on Rudolf Steiner’s knowledge of the world and the human being. We will learn in the first part of the book how the human con- stitution is based on a tripartite organisation – which we call threefoldness – and functions according to precise laws which we will learn to recognise.
The second part is devoted to the study of the fourfold nature of the human being: spiritual, animal, etheric and physical, in its relation to the elements and kingdoms of nature. We will then resume the first part of Rudolf Steiner’s lecture of 11 February 1923, somewhat different from our first study. These remarks will enable an expansion of our understanding of human nature and its tendencies towards pathology, in two main directions: the inwardly acting, tumour-forming forces and the outwardly acting purulent inflammatory forces. Because to take up what has just been said in a different way: When speaking of health, illness is always the expression of an imbalance, a surplus or a deficiency in the processes that otherwise keep people healthy.
The second part is devoted to the study of the fourfold nature of the human being: spiritual, animal, etheric and physical, in its relation to the elements and kingdoms of nature. We will then resume the first part of Rudolf Steiner’s lecture of 11 February 1923, somewhat different from our first study. These remarks will enable an expansion of our understanding of human nature and its tendencies towards pathology, in two main directions: the inwardly acting, tumour-forming forces and the outwardly acting purulent inflammatory forces. Because to take up what has just been said in a different way: When speaking of health, illness is always the expression of an imbalance, a surplus or a deficiency in the processes that otherwise keep people healthy.
Erscheinungsdatum: 04.05.2022
Auflage: 1. Auflage
Produktform: Hardcover
Seiten: ca. 160
Format: 280 x 2070 mm
ISBN: 978-3-943305-69-2