The silent language of life

The silent language of life

Research into formative forces in water drops

von Inge Just-Nastansky | 22.01.2024

We encounter in the appearances under the microscope a pictorial language that expresses in its regularities another level of natural truths. The understanding of this creative world of life that lies behind the world of appearances grows with the empathy and comprehension of the impulses of action given in the image.

EAN 9783943305838

Hersteller: SchneiderEditionen

54,00 EUR *
Inhalt 1 St.
* inkl. ges. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten

Lieferzeit 4-8 Werktage

The 15-year research work of Inge Just-Nastansky published in this book shows, with extensive illustration, a side of nature that otherwise remains hidden from us. It is the drop of water that, as a small transparent vessel, leaves behind structures after drying into which its “experiences” have been imprinted. Salts, minerals, gemstones or plant organs such as roots, stems, fruits and seeds are left in the water for weeks and months. Again and again over time, samples are taken from the water and dripped onto a microscope slide. After drying, typical and reproducible images of astonishing harmony and beauty appear when viewed under a darkfield microscope. The wealth of forms seems inexhaustible. We encounter in the appearances under the microscope a pictorial language that expresses in its regularities another level of natural truths. The understanding of this creative world of life that lies behind the world of appearances grows with the empathy and comprehension of the impulses of action given in the image. Therefore, “the silent language of life” remains closed to a logical-abstract judgement. Human fluids (tears, saliva, cerebrospinal fluid, blood and serum) are also presented in this publication. We see permanent structures with salt character in the area of the sensory-nervous system and transformative changes in the blood images under different conditions. The basic prerequisite for all creation is water as a mediator between idea and substance. All life processes originate in water.

Erscheinungsdatum: 23.01.2024
Auflage: 1
Seiten: 200

ISBN: 978-3-943305-83-8

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