English books

  • The Course on the Lord’s Prayer Vol. IV
    The Course on the Lord’s Prayer Vol. IV
    Valentin Tomberg The Course on the Lord" s Prayer of Valentin Tomberg came about in the Netherlands during the Second World War. It can be seen from the life-work of Tomberg that the content of the Bible as a whole - the Old Testament, the New Testament and the Revelation of St. John - provides the foundation for his spiritual work and research.
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    17,50 EUR *
    * inkl. ges. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
  • The Course on the Lord’s Prayer Vol. III
    The Course on the Lord’s Prayer Vol. III
    Valentin Tomberg The Course on the Lord" s Prayer of Valentin Tomberg came about in the Netherlands during the Second World War. It can be seen from the life-work of Tomberg that the content of the Bible as a whole - the Old Testament, the New Testament and the Revelation of St. John - provides the foundation for his spiritual work and research.
      Nicht lagernd
    18,50 EUR *
    * inkl. ges. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
  • The Course on the Lord's Prayer – Volume I
    Valentin Tomberg, Translation G. B. Rickett The Course on the Lord" s Prayer of Valentin Tomberg came about in the Netherlands during the Second World War. It can be seen from the life-work of Tomberg that the content of the Bible as a whole - the Old Testament, the New Testament and the Revelation of St. John - provides the foundation for his spiritual work and research.
      Nicht lagernd
    18,50 EUR *
    * inkl. ges. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
  • What is Hermeticism?
    Sebastian Niklaus A study of the Christian Hermeticism of Valentin Tomberg in the light of Rudolf Steiner's school of Initiation Science.
      Nicht lagernd
    8,50 EUR *
    * inkl. ges. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
  • Imprisoned in the Spiritual Void
    Irene Diet The Riddle of the Relation between Worldknowledge and Self-Knowledge in Rudolf Steiner's Work As a basis for this inquiry selections were taken from the writings of two authors (Jostein Saether and Sergei Prokofieff), which could be substituted by others, and thus only serve as illustrations.
      Nicht lagernd
    15,00 EUR *
    * inkl. ges. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
  • Mayas Märchengarten
    Ute Wimpff Märchen und Gedichte für kleine und große Leser in deutscher und englischer Sprache Vor langer Zeit, als Elfen und Zwerge noch im Walde wohnten und jedermann sie sehen und mit ihnen reden konnte, lag dort unter einem Mooshügel das Reich der Zwerge. So beginnt eines der fantasievollen Märchen, die hier in englischer und deutscher Sprache geschrieben sind und von stimmungsvollen Gedichten begleitet werden. Diese Märchen wollen ermutigen, Zuversicht vermitteln und das Vertrauen in die eigenen Stärken aufzeigen.
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    14,95 EUR *
    * inkl. ges. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
  • Through The Week
    Mellinger | Through The Week | Ruth Elsässer Die Übersetzung von 'Von Sonntag zu Sonntag' in Englischer Sprache. Das vorliegende Buch von Ruth Elsässer hat seinen Namen bekommen durch den Gang durch die sieben Wochentage.
      Nicht lagernd
    11,00 EUR *
    * inkl. ges. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
  • Lin
    Albert Steffen Drama. Englische Ausgabe (1957) Mit einem Vor- und Nachspiel in einem Heim für seelenpflegebedürftige Kinder unserer Gegenwart, führt das Stück in dramatischer Ballung durch die Ereignisse des chinesisch-englischen Opiumkrieges (1840-1842), in den Zusammenprall von Ost und West aufgrund der Opiumsucht, und deutet zuletzt auf Möglichkeiten der Heilung und Überwindung. Vgl. hierzu Rudolf Steiner, Zeitgeschichtliche Betrachtungen. Das Karma der Unwahrhaftigkeit Erster Teil (1978), Vorträge vom 30./31.12.1916; und Albert Steffen, Vorhut des Geistes (2010), S. 13ff.
      Nicht lagernd
    5,00 EUR *
    * inkl. ges. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
  • The Dignity of the Young Child
    M. Glöckler, C. Grah-Wittich How can we keep the young child healthy? Care and up-bringing in the first three years of life | Volume 1 New and successful insights for the care and raising of the child in the first three years of life.
      Nicht lagernd
    20,00 EUR *
    * inkl. ges. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
  • Leadership questions and forms of working in the anthroposophic medical movement
    Michaela Glöckler / Rolf Heine (Hg.) Rudolf Steiner is known around the world as an author, speaker and the creator of anthroposophy, yet few are aware of him as an inaugurator of new ways of working together. As a result, questions of management and leadership are especially challenging also in institutions that work out of anthroposophy. Here the model for forms of collaboration created by Steiner in 1923/24 can serve as an inexhaustible source of inspiration.
      Nicht lagernd
    15,00 EUR *
    * inkl. ges. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
  • The Waldorf School: An Introduction
    Christof Wiechert What is distinctive about Waldorf or Rudolf Steiner schools? How do their pedagogical aims relate to the wide range of educational provision available today? Many people have heard of these schools, but few know much about them.
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    15,00 EUR *
    * inkl. ges. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
  • Solving the Riddle of the Child
    Christof Wiechert The Art of Child Study It may be a truism to say that every teacher should make efforts to understand his pupils. Our real understanding, after all, can be a sure foundation and support for children" s whole development; and without this our lessons will be a random undertaking that connects with our pupils, at best, in a superficial way only. A skilled teacher seeks to understand his pupils so that he can raise learning beyond mere compulsion or drill.
      Nicht lagernd
    18,00 EUR *
    * inkl. ges. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
  • Agriculture for the future
    Ueli Hurter (Herausgeber) Biodynamic agriculture today 90 years since Koberwitz The "Agricultural Course" held in 1924 by Rudolf Steiner gave a new impulse for the development of agriculture: a holistic agriculture, which uses a modern approach to work directly with the life processes of nature and thus opens a new perspective on the future cultivation of the earth came into being.
      Nicht lagernd
    28,00 EUR *
    * inkl. ges. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
  • Goetheanum Glasswindows
    Albert Schmelzer The Goetheanum Glasswindows are designed by Rudolf Steiner and the Russian artist, Assja Turgenieff, brought the design for the second Goetheanum to form and artistic expression. The Glasswindows represent the stages of a path of inner development.
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    20,00 EUR *
    * inkl. ges. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
  • Teaching – The Joy of Profession
    Wiechert, Christof, Zeichnungen von Appenrodt, Hans D An Invitation to Enhance Your (Waldorf) Interest To be a teacher and teaching children and youngsters is still a wonderful profession: it never gets dull or boring. But it is also a professional life under pressure. Complex demands, a high profile in professionalism, delivering sound results, yet also being attentive to the individual needs and development of the students and helping parents to understand their own child.
      Nicht lagernd
    18,00 EUR *
    * inkl. ges. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
  • Mathematical physics in space and counterspace
    Conradt, Oliver Does the projective principle of duality play a role in physics? In this book, space and counter space are developed in terms of the numbers of Geometric Algebra and applied to modern physics. The origin of counterspace reveals to be an absolute spatial quantity with respect to the nature of the physical laws.
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    22,00 EUR *
    * inkl. ges. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
  • Psychotherapy
    Henriette Dekkers-Appel | Ad Dekkers | Anna R. Meuss (Hg.) Die Anthroposophie hat sich als reiche Quelle für die Psychotherapie erwiesen. So hat bereits mancher Psychiater, Berater, Psychologe oder Biographie-Berater bedeutende diagnostische und therapeutische Erkenntnisse daraus gewonnen.
      Nicht lagernd
    14,00 EUR *
    * inkl. ges. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
  • Anthroposophy and Science
    Peter Heusser An Introduction This book is the first thorough introduction into the scientific basis of anthroposophy and anthroposophical medicine in the context of academic science.
      Nicht lagernd
    68,95 EUR *
    * inkl. ges. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten